personal training

The personal training industry was in its infancy in the early 1990s. Many people tended to think it was ‘for the stars’ or it was ‘too expensive’ or even ‘it wasn’t for normal people like me’. 

Now personal training is an essential component of the health and fitness industry, and more and more people (just like you) see a trainer at least once per week.

Personal training is not just about someone yelling at you to ‘do more reps’ or a body builder holding a clipboard whilst you train. It should cover a wide range of things including postural analysis, corrective exercise, basic nutrition, exercise management and most importantly your wellness.

Our personal training program covers the three M’s of your exercise program.

We manage your exercise and nutritional program’s, we act as a mentor to guide you through the pitfalls of fitness and we motivate you to push that little bit harder to achieve genuine results.

The number one reason people give for not exercising is time! Adrenalin Health trainers focus on creating an exercise management plan to give you the structure required to get the best possible results with the minimum outlay of time.

We use the ‘Adrenalin Health Personal Training Systems’, which focus on high intensity one-on-one 30 minute sessions to ensure time efficiency.

The second most popular reason given for not exercising is ‘intimidation’ and feeling ‘uncomfortable’.

Adrenalin Health has been designed to make everyone feel relaxed and comfortable, with a wide range of clients – from early morning corporate executives, to mid-morning mums, to retired grandparents, couples and even school children.

There is a wide range of trainers from degree qualified and those with over 10 years experience, male and females ready to ensure you feel comfortable exercising at Adrenalin.

For those people unable to make it to the centre, we have a home or worksite visit program where one of our trainers can meet you at home or work and with minimal equipment and space take you through a 60 minute training sessions.

Adrenalin Health personal training programs include:

Corrective Excercise

Adrenalin personal trainers are at the cutting edge of corrective exercise. In conjunction with referral programs to Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Podiatrists, Massage Therapists and Naturopaths, the staff undergo ongoing skills development to provide services including; postural analysis, pilates, corrective stretching, core and joint stability, and back management.

Functional Resistance Training

Many of us now understand the huge benefits of resistance training. These include; increases in bone density, increases in muscle and subsequent improvements in metabolism, reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol, improvements in posture, improvements in overall body shape and composition.

Knowing this, how many social and recreational athletes still train like body builders! In fact most personal trainers still train like body builders. In todays fast paced world we must find time for all aspects of fitness and although resistance training plays a significant part so to does cardio-vascular exercise and flexibility. Try our high intensity 30 minute functional resistance training sessions. You will work all major muscles, improve posture and core musculature and burn a heap of kilojoules at the same time. The best part is only one to two sessions per week are required to see fantastic results!

Cardio Variety Sessions

Do you find the grind of 30 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes on the treadmill boring? Have you been stuck with that old myth of working at 60-70 % maximum heart rate to burn fat. Well maybe you should try a high intensity cardio-variety session. It will burn twice as many calories in 30 minutes than you do in an hour on the bike. You can relieve some stress by learning some boxing and kicking techniques, as well as joining in some more sports specific drills. You will have so much fun that you will be back for more!

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